Frequently Asked AC & Heating Questions
Dallas Heating & Air Conditioning Specialists
Many people don’t know how their heating or air conditioning systems work. It can be difficult to spot a problem or issue with your system if you don’t know what to look for. You may not even realize that your air conditioning needed to be repaired last winter until it hits mid-July. When you wait for repairs, they can end up being much more costly and time-consuming. For this reason, our heating and air conditioning specialists have put together a list of helpful questions to provide you with direction. If you can’t find an answer to your question, you may need to schedule an appointment for inspection or talk with one of our licensed technicians over the phone. If you are still having trouble with your air conditioning or heating unit after following guidelines, it’s probably time for maintenance or repair.
Is it bad if my AC has ice on it?
Sometimes ice particles can form on the condenser coil found on the indoor portion of an air conditioner. Ice can also be found on the refrigerant lines outside the unit. There could be several reasons for this ice, but it is most likely due to a reduced or restricted air flow. This can be caused by a dirty air filter or restricted air ducts. Ice buildup is not an indicator of but could lead to serious destruction if left alone. If you take care of the dirty air filter right away, you will most likely be able to minimize or eliminate all damage to your unit.
What does SEER and HSPF mean?
Each air conditioning or heating unit will have a Seasonal Energy Efficiency Rating, which is used to determine a machine’s cooling efficiency. When the SEER rating is high, it means that the system will cost less to operate. We carry air conditioning models that go up to 21 SEER, which could significantly reduce your electric bill at the end of every month. A Heating Seasonal Performance Factor is similar to a SEER rating, but is used to determine the efficiency of a heating pump. It is used only for the heating portion of a heating pump.
What should I set my thermostat to at night?
Depending on the temperature during the day, you may have to continually adjust the thermostat. It is better to keep consistent temperature changes, which is why we suggest dropping it 10 degrees at night. This is a general rule of thumb, as it provides a good cushion. If your thermostat can be programmed to this, you may be able to save on utility bills during the night. By manually dropping the temperature, you could lose most of the savings by overworking the system. A programmable thermostat is great for creating optimal energy savings.
Do I really need regular maintenance on my AC or heating unit?
Most people don’t want to schedule regular maintenance for their home comfort system, seeing it as a waste of money. What they don’t realize is that scheduled inspection and repairs can prevent future damage. By investing a small amount of money in your air conditioning or heating unit, you will save on utilities, repairs and part replacements. Just like taking your car in for an oil change, it’s good to perform preventative maintenance for your heating or cooling system.
How does my AC unit work?
Every air conditioning unit is designed to perform two jobs: heat removal and moisture removal. By drawing warm air into your house through a filter, it passes over a cold coil. This process removes both moisture and heat. The air is passed to the outside of the house, repeating this cycle until the indoor temperature matches the thermostat setting. Many people think that they will save money by turning on their system for just a few minutes for short relief. This actually causes more wear and tear on your machine, costing you more in the long run. Also, it takes about 10 minutes for your system to run at optimal levels, which is another reason short bursts of air conditioning are not cost-effective.